Friday, November 19, 2010

Good thing I'm not travelling for Thanksgiving

Especially given all of the controversy surrounding the TSA's screen process.

What are your thoughts?!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today is No Kid Hungry Day, part of Share Our Strength's campaign to end childhood hunger by 2011. If you're in DC, head over to the Passenger tonight for a happy hour to benefit 2011's Taste of the Nation and the fight against childhood hunger.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Even modern girls need a little Guidance

I work 7 days a week (juggling 2 jobs), go on multiple vacations a year, find time to work out, see my fabulous friends and incredible boyfriend, cook, clean, keep my closet organized, always make sure I have an unchipped manicure and keep up on world affairs. How do I do it all while remaining perfectly poised, made up and looking like I got enough sleep? I'm a modern girl...

...And it's actually not that hard! All those things your mom told you about keeping a polished appearance and clean home, she was right, but I never wanted to listen to her, until now.

You can be a career woman and domestic goddess. Jane Buckingham was in your shoes once too - and now she's helping us out. I'm currently reading her first book, The Modern Girl's Guide to Life, which teaches you everything from understanding sports (for some it's a foreign language) to hosting the perfect dinner party, to decorating your fabulous new bachlorette pad! I've also read The Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations which I know will help me out soon considering I am prone to awkard situations.

Working women give this a read - you'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My NYC Favorites

Hey all! Sorry it's been so long - work has been keeping me crazy busy and I'm without internet at home. I spent last weekend in my favorite place ever, the great state of New York, and realized I haven't written to much about my picks for a great time in NYC. Sooooo, here ya go!

Gray's Papaya - Great cheap drunk food AND great cheap (sober) lunch

La Mela - Best family style restaurant in Little Italy

Fanelli's Cafe - Great spot to grab a burger and recharge while shopping in Soho

Vosges - Best chocolate shop in the city

Gansevoort - Rooftop party!!!! :)

Hotel Venus - Patricia Field's store. One of the most interesting clothing shops you'll ever go into

Girl Props - cheap costume, funky, and even cheeky costume jewelry!

Victor's Cafe - Granted, I've only been here once, but my family has been going for years, so you know it's good Cuban food.

And that's just a few. Gotta head back to work - if I think of more I'll add 'em later!